Human Motion Properties

Human Motion properties are managed through the Properties panel. You can view and modify them.

This page discusses:


Defines whether or not a behavior is active during a playing session.
  • An inactive behavior or script is not executed during a playing session.
  • The behavior's activity depends on the actor's activity. If its associated actors are inactive, the behavior is also inactive.


Activates or deactivates animations of the human actor.
Note: By default, this property is active.

Defines whether or not collisions are detected when you play an experience.

Four options are available:

  • None: Does not detect collisions. By default, this option is active.
  • With ground only: Detects if a human actor collides with the ground. This option also enables a human actor to climb the stairs.

    Technically, a ray cast is used to ensure that the human actor is always on the top of the colliding element.

  • With objects only: Detects if a human actor collides with objects. Technically, a hidden capsule is used to avoid the human actor passing through the object.
  • All: Detects if a human actor collides with the ground and objects.

Notes: In the experience hierarchy, human actors can collide with their siblings and their parent actors. However, humans actor cannot collide with child objects.

They also cannot collide with the following objects:

  • Human actors
  • Paths
  • Points
  • Trigger zones
  • Cameras

Associated Capacities

  • Is Going To
  • Is Following
  • Has Reached
  • Has Completed
  • Is Standing
  • Is Alive
  • Is Motionless
  • Follows
  • Goes To
  • Stands
  • Comes Alive
  • Comes Motionless