Creating Cameras

You can create cameras to view objects from different angles in an experience.

Cameras can also define specific navigation modes with behaviors.

In this scenario, you will create two cameras: a simple camera that is motionless, and a third-person camera.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Simple Camera

You first need to create a simple camera.

  1. In the 3D area, select a viewpoint for the landing point.
  2. From the Assemble section of the action bar, click Create Camera .
  3. Name your camera Camera.

Create a Third-Person Camera

You need to create a third-person camera.

Note: As the camera is controlled by the behavior properties, the camera viewpoint may change when you play your experience.

  1. In the 3D area, select a viewpoint for the tail of the helicopter.
  2. From the Assemble section of the action bar, click Third-Person Camera .
  3. Name your camera Cam_3rdPerson.
  4. To set the helicopter actor as a target, do the following:
    1. In the Properties panel, click the Third Person Navigation behavior.
    2. Under General, select the helicopter as the target.
    3. In the tree, right-click Third Person Camera and select Set as startup camera.

Next step: Creating Trigger Zones.