Exposing Helicopter Parts

To manipulate and easily configure your product actor, you need to expose its parts. To do so, you will use the Level Selector tool to expose subactors of a product.

In this scenario, you will expose the main rotors as subactors to make them rotate.

  1. Select the main helicopter rotor in the 3D area.
  2. On the context toolbar, click Display Level Selector.
  3. To select a level, do one of the following:
    • Move the pointer to the right to explore the highest level of the structure.
    • Move the pointer to the left to explore the lowest level.
    The main rotor is highlighted in the work area. A subactor is created in the Project panel.
  4. To expose the tail rotor, repeat Step 1 to Step 3.

Next step: Configuring Behaviors.