Creating Products Actors

To create product actors, you can insert physical products in the experience. You can then manipulate them.

In the following scenario, you will create a helicopter actor. You will also insert a city as a decorative feature.

Before you begin: Open the app and import the helicopter.3dxml and city.3dxml files located in C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\BXXXX\win_b64\startup\CreativeExperience
  1. From the Assemble section of the action bar, click Insert Existing Products.
  2. In the Search box of the top bar, do the following:
    1. To insert your physical product, enter the *helicopter criteria and click the model in the results list.
    2. To insert your city model, enter the *city criteria and click the model in the results list.

      Important: For the purpose of the scenario, you need to rescale the city model.
      • To do so, select the city actor in the tree or 3D area.
      • In the Properties panel (below the tree), under Transformation, specify the following scale: 350.

Next step: Adding Behaviors to Actors.