Adding Terraforming Zones

You can add terraforming zones to an environment. This functionality is available only if there is an active planetary environment.

See Also
Editing Terraforming Zones
  1. From the Essentials section of the action bar, click Terraforming Zones .
  2. In the Terraforming Zones panel, click Add a Terraforming Zone.
  3. Click to place the terraforming zone on the terrain surface.

    In the Terraforming Zones panel, the created zone appears in a list.

  4. Optional: In the list, do or more of the following:
    • To delete a zone, click Delete .
    • To go to a specific zone, click Go to .
    • To rename a zone, double-click the name. Enter a new name, and then press Enter.
  5. Optional: To add a terraforming zone under a 3D actor, right-click a 3D actor in the tree, and select Terraform under Actor.
    A rectangle-shaped zone appears and is aligned with the location axis. The terraforming zone has the same size as the base of the 3D actor's bounding box.