Associating an Image to a Template

You can associate an image to a template at creation. This image appears in the Parameters dialog box at instantiation. This helps you make out the different published parameters by representing them on a 2D plan.

  • The following image formats are supported: RGB, PICTURE, JPEG, BMP, and PNG.
  • If you work with a Data Setup table:
    1. Fill in the Resources set name box that corresponds to the resource table internal name.
    2. Fill in the Directory logical name box that is the logical name of the resource container.
    3. Enter the image name along with its extension.
  • If you work with a resource table:
    1. Fill in the Directory logical name box.
    2. Enter the image name along with its extension.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • To access the models used in this topic, import the Bounding_Box_Reference_000.3dxml and the Bounding_Box_Destination_000.3dxml files located in win_b64\startup\Knowledgeware\3D Templates Samples\Sample1.
See Also
In the Knowledge Base
Procedure for associating an image to a template (user feature or power copy)