When you switch to 3D Markup from Issue 3D Review when a single issue is selected, the widget behavior is as follows:
- If a single markup is linked to the issue and its context is already available
in the session, then the markup is loaded in the session.
- If no markup is linked to the issue then a new markup is created. It has the
same name and description as that of the issue. Also, the context for this
markup is the currently loaded product in the session. If several products are
loaded in the session, you can select the appropriate context.
In other cases, a regular transition happens.
- No new markup is automatically created.
- If a markup linked to one of the loaded products is opened or created in the
widget before switching and before refreshing the session, it remains open
whenever you get back to 3D Markup.
When you switch to Issue 3D Review from 3D Markup, a Go back to Issue option is provided to switch back to Issue 3D Review. It is located at the upper left of the 3D area, next
to the slide or format panel.