Home Page Actions
When you click Home
, you go back to
the home page.
No Recent Objects
When you first open 3D Markup, the home page is empty. You can load content from the Search for Content or you can drag an object and drop it in the panel.
When you drag and drop and object in the home page, you can:
- Add object in context.
- Add object.
- Add and Filter content.
Recent Objects 
If you have already opened an object, it appears on the home page as a recent object.
You can open the following objects:
In 3D Markup:
- Open 3D markups
- Open Products
- Open Filter
- Open Annotation sets
- Open Interference simulations
- Open Interference metrics
- Open Drawings
- Open Diagram layouts
- Open Diagram sheets
- Open Documents
- Open Requirements
- Open Requirement Specifications
To remove an object from the Recent Objects list, click .
You can search objects with the following commands:
- Search for Content
- Products
- Filters
Important: Pin the app to the dashboard before searching for content. Otherwise, the app closes. |
Customize your app

You can customize the preferences for your widget. For more information, see Editing App Specific Preferences.