Define the Data to Show
In the Properties panel, go to
Select a data query and a Result Set.
Switch to Another Type of Chart
Define the Dimensions
You can configure a dimension by selecting a field. By default, Data Perspective Studio suggests the dimensions available in the result set.
In the Properties panel, go to
In the Axis section, click
to add a
For Field, select the field to use as dimension.
- Optional:
Click More options to open advanced configuration
Define the Measures
You can configure the measures to show for the Y axis. When there are two
dimensions, Data Perspective Studio uses only the first measure.
In the Properties panel, go to
In the Values section, click
to add a
For Value, select the aggregation value to use in the Y axis.
- Optional:
Click More options to open advanced configuration
- Optional:
To create several series for the selected measure, select the
Breakdown option. In Field, select
another dimension to split values.
Use case: Break down movie budgets by country
In this example:
- The Axis shows movies by genre (Action, Adventure, ...)
- The Measures, have 2 SUM aggregations:
- One SUM shows the budgets by genre in stacked bars, with a
breakdown on country (France in blue and Spain in yellow).
- Another SUM shows a red line for global budgets by genre.

Define the Value Colors in Breakdown
When using the Breakdown option in
Measures, you can define the colors to apply depending on the
values of a selected field.
Click More options.
- In the Colors section, select the colors to apply to the field values.
Option | Description |
Color | This is the default color associated with all field values. |
Palette | Associates field values to colors automatically. There is a limit in the number of colors available. Data Perspective Studio reuses the same colors when the number of values crosses this limit.
Customize | You can search for values and customize their colors. There is a limit to this customization, which blocks the option when there are more than 100 values.
Additional mapping | You can define conditions to apply colors, by defining a Comparator and an associated Value. For example, you can define to associate a color when the value is inferior (< ) to the expected value. matches: allows you to specify a regular expression to choose the color or the icon to apply, depending on the value for the selected field. |
There are priorities if you define several colors for the same field value. Manual customizations first, then colors defined for additional mapping, and at last, the default color.
Drill-Down and Drill-Up on Dimensions
You can configure your chart with 2 Axis dimensions to let users drill-down and
drill-up from one dimension to the other.
In the Properties panel, go to
In the Axis section, click
to add a
For Field, select the field to use as X axis.
Repeat step 2 and 3 to define another Axis.
The upper right of the chart shows up and down arrows
 to let users
switch from one dimension to the other.
- Optional:
To add a chart filtering to the drill-down, add an Effect on chart
For more information, see Add On-click Actions.
Add Time Series to the Chart
Basic charts can display time series, which offer navigation capabilities allowing
you to filter or zoom on time periods.
Before you begin: The first Axis dimension must be of type
Date, Datetime, or
In the Properties panel, go to
In the Time Series Options section, configure the following
Option | Description |
Use time series |
Activates the display of time series |
Show navigation |
Add a range selector and a navigator to the time series. |
Current date indicator |
Adds a line to indicate the current date on the X-Axis. |
Select time range |
Select a predefined time range. This time range applies to data before the
current date. For example, last year, Last month, or no limit. |
Current date indicator options |
Edit the current date indicator display. |
Show Underlying Data in a Data Panel
You can add a Show underlying data action in the Actions menu of most charts. On-click, Data Viewers can see more information about chart data in a data panel at the bottom of the page.
- In the Properties panel, go to
Data. - In the Data Panel section, select Enable Data Panel.
- From Fields, add the fields that you want to see as table columns in the data panel.
- Optional: Select Allow to reorder columns if you want Data Viewers to be able to reorder columns by dragging their headers.
- Optional:
From Buttons, define the icons (and their on-click effects)
to show in an Actions column.
- Optional: Select Add drag button in the first column to add a drag icon
in that column for users to drop objects in another 3DEXPERIENCE platform widget.- In Information source, select the field to use as data source.
- In Object type, specify the name of the object to drag.
For 3DEXPERIENCE Service, select the variable which
contains the id of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform service. For example, 3DSpace.
- Optional:
Select Add "Open with" in the actions column to add a button
allowing Data Viewers to open an object in another 3DEXPERIENCE platform app. For example, 3D Markup, CATIA V5,
Product Explorer, or Product Structure Editor.
- Optional:
Enter the Label to show on the Open
with button.
In Icon, specify the button icon.
- Optional:
You can also add a tooltip and a theme.
- Optional:
From Effects (On checkbox click), you can define an
interaction with a 3D Widget outside of your Data Perspective app to select a part.
When the Data Viewer clicks a 3D object in the data panel, the 3D Widget refreshes to
show corresponding data.
To do the opposite, that is, click an object in a 3D Widget and refresh the Data
Perspective view, use Effects (On 3D Selection).
- Optional:
From Effects (On 3D Selection), you can define how the data
panel reacts, when the Data Viewer clicks a 3D object in a 3D Widget outside of your
Data Perspective app. The Data panel refreshes to show the data selected in the 3D

Reduce the Scope of Dimensions with Local Filters
For a visualization that displays data for a dimension (for example, in a chart axis), it may be useful to focus on specific values for that dimension. You can do so using a local (internal) filter.
For example, if you have a priority dimension that contains Very
Minor , Minor ,
Major , and
Critical priorities, you may want
to display values for the Major
and Critical priorities only.
In the Properties panel, go to
In the Local Filters section, specify the
dimensions for which you want to filter data out as follows:
From Field, select the dimension on
which you want to apply the filtering.
From Filtering mode, select
Include or
From Values, select the set of values to
include or exclude from the dimension.
For example, for the Status dimension, you can
NULL values.

Define the Chart Title and Icon
In the Properties panel, go to
Specify the chart title.
To localize this title in other languages, click , and
select a translation key. You define keys and translation values in the
Translation menu.
Select the icon that represents your chart.
Add On-click Actions
You can add effects when users click visualization elements.
In the Properties panel, go to
to add a new
- Select the effect Behavior.
Option | Description |
Filter | Filters screen data with the content dropped on the screen. Information source: Specify the field to filter data. Target studio variable: Select the data query variable to store source data. |
Set variable | Specify the variable that stores the data. Target studio variable: Select the data query variable where Data Perspective Studio stores source data. |
Navigate to screen | Select the destination screen to open when you click an object. Target screen: The destination screen where the user goes after clicking an object. For example, for a visualization showing risks, clicking a risk could redirect the user to a details page. |
Interact with a 3D Widget to Display Color Washing
You can configure an interaction between your chart and a 3D Widget (for example, 3D Compose), so that the chart can send the colors to apply to the 3D Widget.
- In the Properties panel, go to
Actions. - Click
to add a Menu action. - Click
to add a new Effect (On click). - For Behavior, select Color washing.
- For Information type, select:
- Reference ID: It is useful to identify one or several occurrences of a part in the loaded structure. However, you cannot differentiate specific occurrences of the same part. To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
- Occurrence Path: It is useful when your 3D model uses the same part several times, as it allows you to identify the specific occurrences of the part in the loaded structure. For example, for a car, you can have 4 wheels, but you want to identify precisely each of the wheels.
To use this option, also select the Occurrence Path Source.
- Optional: Add graphic layers.
A layer represents a group of colored parts. The Name provided in the layer configuration is displayed in the 3D Widget Graphical Properties panel.
Interact with a 3D Widget to Display Points of Interest (POI)
You can display Points of Interest (POI) in widgets having 3D capabilities (ENOVIA widgets such as 3D Navigate, or 3D Compose) based on items returned by data queries.
Instead of coloring parts, the 3D widget displays pinpoints with different colors to highlight elements on the loaded product structure.
- In the Properties panel, go to
Actions. - Click
to add a Menu action. - Click
to add a new Effect (On click). - For Behavior, select Pinpoint in 3D .
- For Points of Interest, indicate the Identifier source, that is the field to use as URI/physicalid.
- For Information type, select:
- Reference ID: It is useful to identify one or several occurrences of a part in the loaded structure. However, you cannot differentiate specific occurrences of the same part. To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
- Occurrence Path: It is useful when your 3D model uses the same part several times, as it allows you to identify the specific occurrences of the part in the loaded structure. For example, for a car, you can have 4 wheels, but you want to identify precisely each of the wheels.
To use this option, also select the Occurrence Path Source.
- Optional:
Add graphic layers.
A layer represents a group of pins. You can specify the
Name and the Color
that you want to associate with the layer, and that the 3D Widget
Graphical Properties panel will
display. Note:
When similar Points of Interest are very close to one
another on the product structure, the UI may display a single
pinpoint with the number of occurrences of the part.

Interact with a 3D Widget to Select a 3D Part
You may want to highlight 3D parts in widgets that have or do not have 3D capabilities.
- For widgets having 3D capabilities (ENOVIA widgets such as 3D Navigate, or 3D Compose), clicking an object in the Data Perspective highlights the part in the product structure.
- For widgets that do not have 3D capabilities but support the selection event (for example, widgets that display tables where each row represents a part), clicking an object in the Data Perspective displays a selected check box on the row corresponding to the selected part.
- In the Properties panel, go to
Actions. - Click
to add a Menu action. - Click
to add a new Effect (On click). - For Behavior, select Select 3D Part.
- Optional: If you want to zoom on the part in the product structure, activate Focus on 3D Part.
- For Information type, select:
- Reference ID: It is useful to identify one or several occurrences of a part in the loaded structure. However, you cannot differentiate specific occurrences of the same part. To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
To use this option, also select the Reference ID Source.
- Occurrence Path: It is useful when your 3D model uses the same part several times, as it allows you to identify the specific occurrences of the part in the loaded structure. For example, for a car, you can have 4 wheels, but you want to identify precisely each of the wheels.
To use this option, also select the Occurrence Path Source.
Add Target Lines to the Chart
You can add one or several target lines to the chart. The line will be
perpendicular to the axis on which it is configured.