Gauge Chart

You can use this semi-circular chart to represent a single value and give the user an idea of how good or bad this value is, using colored ranges.

The chart shows:

  • A needle as visual indicator to show the current value of the KPI, displayed in the appropriate area.
  • The thresholds of areas.
  • The optional labels of the areas.

This task shows you how to:

Define the Data to Show

  1. In the Properties panel, go to Data.
  2. Select a data query and a Result Set.

Define the Chart Title and Icon

  1. In the Properties panel, go to Style.
  2. Specify the chart title.

    Note: To localize this title in other languages, click , and select a translation key. You define keys and translation values in the Translation menu.

  3. Select the icon that represents your chart.

Define the Intervals

  1. In the Properties panel, go to Targets.
  2. Use the Minimum property to represent the lowest value.
  3. Define each area interval by specifying a threshold value, a color, and optionally a label.
    Note: There must be at least 1 interval but there is no fixed number of areas.
  4. Use the last interval to define the end of the gauge.