To configure the GRAPH TRAVERSER to process your graph of data the way you want, you
must define one or several processing units (called Node processor
A Node processor first receives, and then applies treatments to a node, to finally forward the current node children to its successor Node processor. Node Processors call each other recursively to traverse the whole graph until all nodes have been processed, or a stop condition has been reached.
A processor treats a single type of node forwarded by its predecessor. To define which processor receives the element from the input stream, you must define an Initial processor in your configuration.
A processor applies the following treatments in this order:
Action | Description |
Update context variables |
Updates context variables (see next sections). |
Emit expression |
Defines what the GRAPH TRAVERSER operator will output (all emit expressions of all processors must return the same type). |
Emit predicate |
Expression returning a Boolean. This expression decides whether to call the Emit Expression for the current node or not. |
Transition |
Forwards elements to the successor Node processor. For more information, see Transition. |
Stop node condition |
Expression returning a Boolean. This expression decides whether to call a Transition for the current node or not. |
A Transition is a function that provides elements to forward to the next processor. There are several types of transitions.
Transition | Description |
Explicit Nodes Transition |
Expects an expression providing children to the successor Node Processor
referenced by To . You can use this kind of transition for most
use cases. |
Search Transition |
Searches items directly from the index (similar to SEARCH
operator). Expects an Item class, an Index unit, and a predicate. It provides
matching items to the successor Node Processor referenced by
To . |
Conditional Transition |
Advanced Transition type that targets 2 processors. It determines the
processor to apply at runtime using the Switch predicate . If the
Switch predicate is:
You can define context variables to store the current state of your traversal. Node processors can access and update these variables. To define a variable, you must provide its static type and initialization value.
There are 3 kinds of variables to answer the different kind of use cases. The differences between these 3 types of variable are the visibility, and the number of instances for each variable.
Variable type | Description |
global variable | There is only one instance of this variable for the whole traversal. This
instance is visible by everybody. When a Node processor updates the value, the new
value is available to all Node Processors. Common use case: count the number of processed nodes during the whole traversal. |
node variable | One instance of this variable is created anytime a new node is processed. The
2nd time a node is processed, it can fetch the previously set value of this
variable when the node was processed for the 1st time. Common use case: Count the number of times a node has been processed during the traversal. |
path variable | When a node processor updates a path variable, it copies its new value for
each child. This way, the changes made on a path variable are only visible to a
node child. Common use case: For each node, store the path, that is the succession of nodes, from the root that led to this node. |
Depth-first search (DFS)
operator performs a Depth-first search (DFS) graph
traversal. This means that it always processes the children of a given node before its