PartitionersYou specify how to partition the input stream with You can partition your data with multiple partitioners. When you do so, it applies the partitioners at the same level. Example: [ {age:21,surname:"martin",firstName:"Jean"}, {age:20,surname:"martin",firstName:"Pierre"}, {age:21,surname:"jack",firstName:"Paul"}, {age:20,surname:"jack",firstName:"Leo"}, {age:20,surname:"jack",firstName:"Jeanne"}, ] To split with two value partitioners
The name of the partitioner is the variable name you can use in the outputExpression. AggregatorsAs for the OutputThe output is a stream of type: The output stream cardinality corresponds to the number of groups found during the grouping
operation. The number of elements in the tuple corresponds to If you define both fast path aggregators and nested graphs, the output type is:
ExampleYou want to group employees who share the same salary.