
This partitioning function partitions data by ranges. There are 4 ways to define these ranges.

This page discusses:

See Also
Expression Language
Defining and Managing Data Queries

Explicit Ranges

Use ExplicitRangesDefinition to define each possible range manually.

For example, you can use it to create 3 groups of persons according to their age:

  • [0, 20[
  • [20, 62]
  • ]62, +infinity[

Equivalent Sized Ranges

Use EquiSizedRangesDefinition to create ranges having the same width.

For example, you can use it to create 3 groups of persons according to their age automatically.

If the youngest one is 20 years old and the oldest one 43 years old, the EquiSizedRangesDefinition creates the 3 following ranges: [20, 28[, [28, 36[, [36, 44[.

Fixed Sized Ranges

Use FixedSizedRangesDefinition to create ranges with a specified width.

For example, you can use it to create one group per 10 years automatically.

If the youngest one is 20 years old and the oldest one 43 years old, the FixedSizedRangesDefinition creates the 3 following ranges: [20, 30[, [30, 40[, [40, 50[.

Percentile Ranges

Use PercentileRangesDefinition to create ranges based on percentiles.

For example, you can use it to create one partition of 10% of the youngest persons and 10% of the oldest ones.

Include the list of ranges between 0 and 100.