Abaqus for CATIA V5 Database Design Import

Database Design Import (DBDI) enables the migration of CATIA V5 data stored in a legacy database into 3DEXPERIENCE.

This topic specifies the import correspondences between V5 data types and 3DEXPERIENCE content types, and the import result. The statuses for import results are fully imported, partially imported, and not imported (-).

This page discusses:

Common Import Behavior

This section describes the behavior of CATIA V5 data stored in legacy databases imported into 3DEXPERIENCE that is common to all connectors.

V5 Data Type 3DEXPERIENCE Content Type Import Result
Finite Element Model
Nodes and Elements Nodes and Elements Fully Imported
Global Element AssignmentGlobal Element AssignmentFully Imported
Local Element AssignmentLocal Element AssignmentFully Imported
Density PropertyDensity OptionFully Imported
Elasticity Property Elastic Option with Isotropic as TypeFully Imported
Gasket Property: Thickness UnloadingGasket Thickness Behavior OptionFully Imported
Gasket Property: Transverse ShearGasket Transverse Shear Elastic OptionFully Imported
Gasket Property: MembraneGasket Membrane Elastic OptionFully Imported
Hyperelasticity PropertyHyperelastic OptionFully Imported
Material MaterialFully Imported
Plasticity PropertyPlastic OptionFully Imported
Specific HeatSpecific Heat OptionFully Imported
Thermal Conductivity PropertyIsotropic Conductivity OptionFully Imported
Section Properties
2D Property Shell SectionFully Imported
3D Property Solid SectionFully Imported
Bolt Pretension Property Pre-Tension Section
Note: Loads and Displacement Boundary Conditions applied to the AFC Bolt Pretension Property are imported as Bolt Forces, Bolt Displacements, and Bolt Restraints in the simulation.
Fully Imported
Gasket PropertyGasket SectionFully Imported
Imported Composite Property Composite Shell SectionFully Imported
Rigid Bodies
Analytical Rigid Surface Analytical Rigid SurfaceFully Imported
Rigid Body Constraint Rigid BodyFully Imported
Contact Pair Surface-based ContactFully Imported
Fastened Pair Surface-based Contact with the Tie supports together option activatedFully Imported
General Contact General ContactFully Imported
Mechanical Connection Behavior Contact Interaction PropertyFully Imported
Rigid Spring Virtual Part Kinematic Coupling with the Use spring option activatedPartially Imported
Rigid Virtual Part Kinematic CouplingPartially Imported
Smooth Spring Virtual Part Distributing Coupling with the Use spring option activatedPartially Imported
Smooth Virtual Part Distributing CouplingPartially Imported
Spring Connection Property connecting one point to another point SpringPartially Imported
Spring Connection Property involving a single vertex Grounded SpringPartially Imported
Virtual Rigid Bolt Tightening Connection Property Virtual Bolt, Bolt Force, & Bolt Restraint

The force associated with the AFC Bolt Tightening Connection Property is mapped to a Bolt Force in the first step of the simulation; a Bolt Restraint is applied in all subsequent steps to fix the Virtual Bolt at its loaded length. If there is no Scenario in the simulation, only the Virtual Bolt feature is created.

Partially Imported
Initial Conditions
Initial Temperature Initial TemperatureFully Imported
Initial Velocity Initial VelocityFully Imported
Mass ScalingMass ScalingFully Imported
Smooth Step Amplitude Smooth Step AmplitudeFully Imported
Tabular Amplitude Tabular AmplitudeFully Imported
Frequency Step Frequency StepFully Imported
General Static Step Static StepFully Imported
Heat Transfer Step: Steady-stateSteady-State Heat Transfer StepFully Imported
Heat Transfer Step: TransientTransient Heat Transfer StepFully Imported
Static Perturbation Step Static Perturbation StepFully Imported
Steady State Dynamics Step: ModalHarmonic Response Step

The frequency loading associated with the AFC Steady State Dynamics Step: Modal is mapped to a force in the Harmonic Response Step.

Fully Imported
Clamp ClampFully Imported
Displacement Boundary Condition Displacement RestraintFully Imported
Zero Displacement Boundary Condition applied to a Bolt Pretension Property Bolt RestraintFully Imported
Base Motion, acceleration typeAcceleration Base MotionFully Imported
Base Motion, displacement typeDisplacement Base MotionFully Imported
Base Motion, velocity typeVelocity Base MotionFully Imported
Body Heat Flux Volumetric Heat SourceFully Imported
Distributed Load, force components Remote ForceFully Imported
Distributed Load, moment components Remote TorqueFully Imported
Film ConditionFilm ConditionFully Imported
Gravity Gravity
Nonzero Displacement Boundary Condition applied to a Bolt Pretension Property Bolt DisplacementFully Imported
Point Load applied to a Bolt Pretension Property Bolt ForceFully Imported
Point Load, force components only ForceFully Imported
Pressure PressureFully Imported
Rotational Body Force, acceleration components Rotary Acceleration ForceFully Imported
Rotational Body Force, velocity components Centrifugal ForceFully Imported
Surface Heat FluxHeat FluxFully Imported
TemperatureTemperatureFully Imported
Temperature History TemperatureFully Imported
Output Requests
Field Output Request OutputFully Imported
History Output RequestOutputFully Imported


You should take the following considerations into account:

Connection features are imported only for product assemblies. If an AFC feature is defined on a single part, the connections will not be imported.


There are no differences with respect to the common import behavior.


There are no differences with respect to the common import behavior.

X-CAD Design Management Database to 3DEXPERIENCE

There are no differences with respect to the common import behavior.

SmarTeam Database to 3DEXPERIENCE

There are no differences with respect to the common import behavior.

Adapter for X-PDM Database to 3DEXPERIENCE

Not supported