Object Frame Profile Dialog Box

This document describes the Object Frame Profile dialog box, which appears when you select Object Frame Profile.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


You can enter a name for the profile, or accept the default name provided. The name specified appears in the tree and on all menu options.

By default, the naming convention is Object.number, where number minus one equals the number of existing object profiles.


Many robot controllers refer to the profile by an index number that acts as an identifier. Index provides a neutral naming convention for all controllers and is used by apps such as Robot Programming and Realistic Robot Simulation to identify the profile.

You can enter a positive integer value or zero as an index number for the current profile. When left unset, Robot Programming and Realistic Robot Simulation will parse the name of the profile to obtain an index.

By default, this value is unset.

Defined from:

Specifies the context from which coordinates are calculated.

Coordinates can be set with respect to the robot's Base
Coordinates can be set with respect to the World.
Coordinates are evaluated with respect to a specified object in the work area, such as:
  • A tag
  • An axis system
  • A product within the same cell as the robot
When Object is selected, you are prompted to select an object in the work area that will act as the reference object.


The options in the Coordinates area are as follows:

X, Y, Z Coordinates
Users can key in values or use the spinners to provide the coordinates.
Yaw, Pitch, Roll Coordinates
Users can key in values or use the spinners to provide the coordinates.

The options in the Steps area are as follows:

Apply to all Targets

When selected, indicates that this object frame will be used for all targets within a robot task.

By default, this option is left unselected.