This file must be named Profiles.xml, and saved in the Igrip\ProjectData directory beneath the startup directory. In the Profiles.xml file, each robot controller type (e.g., ABB S4) is associated with a user-defined feature dictionary. In addition, a default feature dictionary is mapped to all the robot controller types so that whenever a robot is instantiated in a product document, the associated feature dictionary of the robot controller type and the default feature dictionary are loaded into the appropriate applicative container of the robot document. Thus, all of the user-defined applicative parameter profiles present in the loaded feature catalogs are available for use. The content of a typical Profiles.xml file is shown below. <!DOCTYPE Project SYSTEM "Project.dtd"> <Project Name="Sample_Project"> <!-- ************** PROJECT RESOURCES ************** > <!-- ID SCHEMA RESOURCES > <Resource Name="ProfilesIDSchema" Description="Profiles ID Schema Directory"> <ID Type="Path" Driver="File" Location="..\..\Igrip\Profiles\DataDictionary"/> </Resource> <!-- USER DICTIONARY RESOURCES > <Resource Name="ALL" Description="profiles User Dictionary"> <ID Type="Misc" Driver="File" Location="DBGWeldTimeTable.CATfct"/> </Resource> <Resource Name="ABB S4" Description="profiles User Dictionary"> <ID Type="Misc" Driver="File" Location="ABBRapid.CATfct"/> </Resource> <!-- ROBOTPROFILES DISCIPLINE RESOURCES > <Discipline Name="RobotProfiles" Description="Profiles Discipline" Parent="Sample_Project"> <Resource Name="DiscreteValues" Description="Discrete Values Directory"> <ID Type="Path" Driver="File" Location="..\..\Igrip\MigrationDirectory\DiscreteValues"/> </Resource> <Application Name="DNBParameterProfiles" Description="Base Parameter profiles" Visible = "yes"> </Application> </Discipline> </Project> The |