Tool Profile Dialog Box

This document describes the Tool Profile dialog box, which appears when you select Tool Profile or when you mount a tool on the robot and specify a new profile be created for that tool.

From the Tool Profile dialog box, you can click the Set TCP button, which brings up the Set TCP dialog box.

These dialog boxes contain controls for:

This page discusses:

When you click the Set TCP button, the Set TCP dialog box also appears.


You can enter a name for the profile or accept the default. The name is the one that appears for profile on the tree and on all menu options.

By default, the naming convention is Tool.number, where number minus one equals the number of existing tool profiles.


Many robot controllers refer to the profile by an index number that acts as an identifier. Index provides a neutral naming convention for all controllers and is used by apps such as Robot Programming and Realistic Robot Simulation to identify the profile.

You can enter a positive integer value or zero as an index number for the current profile. When left unset, Robot Programming and Realistic Robot Simulation will parse the name of the profile to obtain an index.

By default, this value is unset.

Tool Type

The Tool Type area contains the following options:

On Robot
The device is mounted on a robot's TCP.
The device is stationary.
The device is a non-RTCP device.

By default, On Robot is selected.

Mass Properties

The options for the Mass Properties are follows. The units listed in the description are the default units. You can alter the units using Me > Preferences. These options do not apply if Tool Type is Stationary.

The number entered represents the mass (in kg*) of the tool
These three coordinates (in mm*) show the center of mass for the tool.
The coordinates (in kg × mm2)

Current TCP

Mounted devices
Lists any mounted devices.
Current TCP
Areas created in the part geometry; if there is more than one, selected one.

TCP Offset Controls

The options in the TCP Offset Controls area are as follows:

X, Y, Z Coordinates
Users can key in values, use the spinners or select a tag point on the mounting flange (if the tool is on the robot) or a tag point on an external tool (if the tool is stationary).
Yaw, Pitch, Roll Coordinates
Users can key in values, use the spinners or select a tag point on the mounting flange (if the tool is on the robot) or a tag point on an external tool (if the tool is stationary).


Linear Step
Controls the step size.
Angular Step
Controls the step size.