Category content lists all of the related objects for
the selected category at both the instance and reference level.
Status indicates the current synchronization state for
each Instance object, where:
- Identical: both instance and reference object are identical
- Modified from reference: both objects exist at instance and
reference, but the last modification was at the instance
- Modified from instance: both objects exist at instance and
reference but the last modification was at the reference
- Only defined at instance: object only exists at the instance level
- Only defined at reference: object only exists at the reference
This comparison is name-based. Objects are compared if they have
the same name at the instance and reference level. There must be no
objects with the same name at the same level.
Attributes values of selected objects lists the selected
objects and the instance and reference values for each.
Synchronization options allows you to choose how to
import data from instance to reference and vice-versa, where:
| Synchronizes all reference data of the current category from
| Synchronizes all instance data from reference
| Synchronizes selected reference data from instance
| Synchronizes selected instance data from reference
Add new data synchronizes any new data that has been
created between the source and target.
Overwrite existing data allows for existing data to be
overwritten if it has been modified.
Display options allows you to filter the display of
objects based on their status.