Creating the Track Profile

You can create a track profile using the Sketcher and Part Design app.

  1. The track profile's dimensions for this scenario.

  2. Expand the P&F Conveyor Station 1 and double-click on the PartBody to
    enter the Part Design app.
  3. Click Positioned Sketchto open the Sketch Positioning dialog box. Select the yz plane from the P&F Conveyor tree.
    The Sketcher app is now open.
  4. Zoom in to a Primary grid size of 100mm x 100mm.
  5. Click Line in the action bar. Click at the origin and continue using the dimensions from the drawing above until
    one side of the track is created.

  6. Click Mirror from the Sketch area of the Action Bar and draw a window around the drawing.
  7. Click the Y axis arrow in the 3D geometry window and the side is mirrored.

  8. Exit the Sketcher app to the default Part Design app.

  9. Click Rib from the Model area in the Part Design Action Bar.
    The Rib Definition dialog box appears.
  10. Click Sketch.2 (the track profile) for the Profile, and click Sketch.1 (the track path) for Center curve. Click OK.
    The rib is created.

  11. Share > Save > Save All