Creating a New Resource

You can create a new machine based on the predefined kinematics of another Machine.

  1. Click New Machine , and select the physical product from the tree.

    The New Machines dialog box appears.

  2. Select the desired Resource Type from the list. Each resource has its own mechanism.
    Select from:
    • Machining Milling Machine
    • Machining Mill-Turn Machine
    • Machining Spindle
    • Machining Turret
    • Machining Interchangeable Milling Head
    • Machining Accessory
    • Additive Power Bed Machine
  3. Click OK.
    A Machining Representation and a Controller Representation node are created in the tree, and the main product node is renamed based on the selected resource type. In the case of a MillTurn Machine, only a Machining Representation node is created.

    You can now proceed to manipulate the commands (or joints) of a mechanism and define the Machine Attributes.

  4. Right-click on created Machine to modify, (Additive Power Bed Machine), Modify NC Resources.

    The Reference Parameters of MFGPowder dialog box appears.
  5. Set parameters accordingly and click the check button to validate.
    For the Additive Power Bed Machine selection see:
    • Parameters tab: Simulation > Additive Manufacturing > Additive Part Preparation > Tutorial > Defining Your Working Environment
    • Services tab: Simulation > Additive Manufacturing > Additive Part Preparation > Customizing the Machine
    • Rules tab: Simulation > Additive Manufacturing > Additive Part Preparation > Managing Rules