Creating a Crescent Conveyor

You can define and jog a Crescent conveyor as a variant of a Slat conveyor.

The Slat conveyor type can be used to configure a Crescent conveyor, with some limitations. Since all of the crescent slats are identical, the conveyor must be configured as a standard Slat with the tooling built into the Slat definition. Since tooling cannot then be attached, some functions cannot be used (such as Workpiece Manager), therefore you cannot place product data on it.

Before you begin: The crescent slats are configured with axis systems in a similar fashion as the current slats, with Z of the connection points pointing upward.

See Also
Creating a Slat Conveyor
  1. From the Conveyor section of the action bar, click Add Section and select a conveyor in the work area.
    The Conveyor Section Type panel appears.

  2. Select Slat in the Conveyor Section Type panel and click Next.
    The New Slat Selection panel appears.

  3. In the work area, select the conveyor curve and click Finish.

    The Section Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a Section name, Reference Point, and Default Speed for the section.
  5. Click Reverse Direction to flip the conveyor’s travel direction. You can also click the arrow in the work area.

    The section's travel direction arrow is updated accordingly.
  6. Set the Z Offset Angle to rotate to the proper the slat up direction. You can also click the arrow in the work area to rotate around the travel direction in 90 degree increments.

    The up direction arrow is rotated about the travel direction accordingly
  7. For Slat Type, click to delete the standard slat, then click to create a custom slat.
    The standard slat is removed and a custom slat is created.
  8. Select a slat in the tree.
    The Slat Information section of the dialog box is populated with the properties of the selected slat.

  9. Click Apply to preview the changes.
    The entire section is populated with the selected crescent (16 pieces).

  10. Click OK to complete the section definition.
  11. Click Update .
  12. Click Conveyor Network, select the Slat tab, and Jog the newly created conveyor.