Creating a Controller for Resource Instances

This procedure describes how to create a motion controller and default motion groups (which may include additional tool device such as as a rail or track).

Before you begin: To perform this procedure, you must have a Control Device resource under a Station (organizational resource). In addition, there should be other resources (such as a Robot or Tool Device) with controllers defined at reference that could be controlled.
  1. From the Motion Controller section of the action bar, click Motion Controller .
  2. Select the Control Device from the tree or work area.
    The Motion Controller dialog box lists the available resources that can be controlled.
  3. Select the resource in the dialog and set the Controlled option to Yes for resources to be controlled.
  4. For each resource to be controlled, select the type of auxiliary device from the Usage list.
  5. Click OK.
    Note: The creation of the motion controller may create many default motions group(s) for ease of use. There should be one per robot. The motion group definition may be changed later via the Manage Motion Groups command.

The controller for the resource instance copies the controller data (Profiles, Home positions, Travel Limits, Speeds and accelerations) from the controller for the resource reference. These can be edited for the resource instances using the commands provided by Equipment Design. Once the instance controller is created, these values are used instead of the controller data from the resource reference.

When editing an existing controller, you can add more resources to control while retaining the existing ones. You can remove existing resources by choosing No as the Controlled option.