Click Play to watch the video:
- From the top bar, click
The Import dialog box appears.
Click on the File Chooser to browse for the file name, Carrier and Trolley for this scenario.
In the Import dialog box, select the General tab.
- Click to activate As New and delete the Duplication string field's text.
If you want a specific name then you could type it in this string then that text appears at the beginning of the imported name.
- Click OK.
Carrier and Trolley is opened in the ENOVIA Product Finder app
- Right-click on the Carrier and Trolley product in the tree.
- Select Open With > Open Advanced.
In the Open Advanced dialog box, select With expanded children and With all representations.
- Click OK.
Carrier and Trolley is opened in the DELMIA Equipment Design app
- Close the ENOVIA Product Finder app window.
- Right-click on Carrier and Trolley in the tree and select Copy.
- In the other window, right-click on Area 1 Power&Free and select Paste.
The Carrier and Trolley is inserted into Area 1 Power&Free Manufacturing Cell.
- Close the Carrier and Trolley window.
Using Search in the top bar you can also find an Existing Product, P&F Conveyor that is used for this scenario.