Exporting the Diagram or Icon Layer as a Picture

Export Current Layer lets you export the displayed diagram layer or icon layer as a picture.

Before you begin: Display the diagram layer or icon layer to export as a picture.
Note: The whole layer is exported, so it does not matter if you have zoomed or panned.
  1. Click Export Current Layer .
  2. In the Export Layer as Picture dialog box:
    1. Browse for folder where to save the picture.
    2. Optional: In the File name field, change the name of the picture.

      By default, the Modelica name of the layer is used.

    3. Optional: In the Save as type box, change the picture file format.

      .png and .svg file formats are supported.

      By default, the .png format is selected.

    4. Click Save.
      The layer is exported as a picture.