Exporting a Library to a Single Modelica File, Optionally Encrypted
You can export a behavior library to a single Modelica (.mo) file, and optionally
encrypt it (to a.moe file).
Activate the library to export.
Export to Modelica File
To select how to export: and click OK.
Select Export Library, with content of package saved in one
- Optional:
To encrypt the exported file, activate Encrypt exported
Click OK.
Browse to export your Modelica file to the convenient folder.
A new folder is created at the selected location, containing the file of the
exported library, including its external resources. A .mo file represents an
unencrypted library, a .moe file represents an encrypted library.
Exporting a Library to a Hierarchy of Folders and Files
You can export a behavior library to a hierarchy of folders and files. You cannot
export this hierarchy as encrypted, the resulting Modelica files are .mo files.
Activate the library to export.
Export to Modelica File
Select Export Library, in a hierarchy of files and click
The option Encrypt exported data in unconditionally cleared
in this case.
Browse to export your Modelica file hierarchy to the convenient folder.
The Dymola: Hierarchical storage dialog box
To select how to store the hierarchy, do the following:
In the dialog, right-click the top folder and select any of:
- To export the library as one file, select One File.
alternative is, for this folder, the same as the first task above, saving the
library as one file, except that encryption cannot be selected. If you select this
alternative, no additional selection can be made for any subfolder.
- To export this package as a directory, select One
This package is exported as a directory. By default, all
subdirectories are exported as files in this directory, if no additional change is
- To export this package, and all subpackages, as directories, select
Directories for all sub-packages.
This package is
exported as a directory, and by default all subpackages are exported as
subdirectories, if no additional change is made.
- To replicate the folder structure of another package to this package, select
Match Directory Structure Containing Similar
A Load dialog box appears to let
you select the package to supply the structure. The basic case is that you
have created a new library that is to be a development of a present library, and
you want to replicate the structure of the present library. When you have
loaded the present package, your new library is adapted to that
To refine the structure, you can do the following:
In the dialog, expand the folder structure.
For each folder, if the enclosing folder is not selected as
File, you can right-click it and select any of the four
above alternatives.
Click OK to export your library with the selected
A new folder is created at the selected location, containing the exported
library hierarchy, with its external resources included.
Exporting a Model to a Single Encrypted Modelica File
You can export a model to a single encrypted Modelica file. This file also contains
all dependencies of the model.
Activate the model to export.
Export to Modelica File
Select Export Total Class (with dependencies) and click
The option Encrypt exported data is unconditionally
Browse to export your Modelica file to the convenient folder.
A new folder is created at the selected location, containing the encrypted
file of the exported class, with dependencies included.