Displaying the Documentation in an Immersive Dockable Viewer

You can display the documentation of a class in the immersive dockable Documentation Viewer.

  1. To display the Documentation Viewer for a class:
    1. Select any of:

      • A class in the Package Browser
      • A component from the diagram or from the Component Browser

    2. From the View section of the action bar, click Documentation Viewer .

      Tip: You can also access the command from the App Options panel. To access the App Options panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, select App Options .

    The Documentation Viewer appears, displaying the documentation of the selected class.
    • If you have selected a component, you display the documentation of the component´s class, there is no specific component´s documentation.
    • The full name of the class is displayed under the header.
    • You can display the Documentation Viewer without having a class or component selected. In such case, the viewer displays the active class.
    • If you select another class of component while displaying a Documentation Viewer, the corresponding class is displayed in the viewer.
  2. To display a previously displayed class from the classes navigation history, click any of the arrows in the bar under the header:
    • Previous Page to display the previous class documentation from the navigation history.
    • Next Page to display the next class documentation from the navigation history.
  3. To edit the documentation, click Documentation Editor .