Mapping Engineering Model Objects and Parameters

Engineering Generator Mapping Edition lets you map engineering model objects and related parameters to Modelica libraries.

Before you begin:

  1. From the top bar, search the model to map.
  2. To open the model, right-click it in the Search Results panel and select Open With > Smart Open in RFLP .
  3. If not already opened, open Dymola Behavior Modeling in a new tab, and in that app, open the following libraries:
    • The Modelica libraries you need to map to.
      Note: Common examples of such libraries are:
      • The Modelica Standard Library (MSL)
      • The CATIAPiping library
    • The Modelica libraries you have stored your mapping tables in.
      Note: If you have no such library yet, you can create one.

Important: This description is only a short description how to change a given mapping table. For creation of new mapping tables, and more details about editing, see the documentation links in "See Also" below.
  1. Click Engineering Generator Mapping Edition .
  2. Only for schematic P&ID models: From the Filter Model tab:
    1. To select working model, click Select and from the engineering model containing the schematic P&ID, from the tree, select the relevant logical schematic view.
    2. Click Show to display the schematic view of the selected model.
    3. To include all the objects of the model in the mapping, select Include All items of working model.
    4. To filter the objects to be included in the mapping, do the following:

      • To be able to, in the schematics view, select components to include by clicking them or dragging traps, click Include.
      • To activate a corresponding remove mode, click Remove.
      • To activate a corresponding by-pass mode, click Bypass.
      • To activate a by-pass mode working on lines, click Select Line.

        You can now select lines to bypass by clicking them.

    Tip: You can, in the filter editor list:
    • Select or multiselect components, they are then highlighted in the schematics view. You can then, for example, remove them from the list by clicking Remove.
    • Sort any column by clicking the header of the column.
  3. From the Modelica Default Classes tab, if required, change the fluid model system component by dragging a class from the Package Browser into the Inner High Level field.
  4. To add a medium, click Add Usage and drag a class, from the Package Browser into the Modelica Class field.
  5. To edit a medium, do the following:
    • To edit the Component Name, double-click the corresponding field and change the name.
    • To edit the Modelica Class, drag a class from the Package Browser into the corresponding field.
    • To specify that the medium redeclares a package, activate Package for the medium.
  6. To edit a pipe/duct type, or the tapping management, in the Route definition section, do the following:
    • If required, to change the class in any of the text fields, drag, from the Package Browser, the wanted class into the text field.

      The class is inserted, and the Mapping of Pipes or Tapping Management dialog box appears, respectively.

    • To edit the present class in any of the text fields, click, after the text field, Edit.

      The Mapping of Pipes or Tapping Management dialog box is opened, respectively.

    In the dialog box, you can:
    • Change the Modelica class.
    • Add and remove ports.
    • Add, edit, or remove parameters.
  7. To work with equipment and parts, click the Equipment and Parts tab.
  8. To initialize the mapping, do one the following actions:
    • If you have saved the engineering model types in Data Setup, click Init from data setup.
    • Otherwise, do the following:
      1. Open the physical engineering model product.
      2. Click Init from selection.
      3. In the tree, select the engineering model to be used.
        Note: For schematic P&ID models, you don´t have to select model. The working model with current selection is automatically used.
      4. Optional: If some types or references in the current mapping are not in the selection, you can click Clean from Selection, and then, in the tree, select the model again, to keep only entries that are relevant for the selection.
        Note: For schematic P&ID models, you don´t have to select model. The working model with current selection is automatically used.
    The types and subtypes are retrieved from either the model or general data setup, depending on command, and added to the mapping definition.
    Important: Each line indicated with red (undefined) results in an undefined component when generating the model. Complete the mapping of such lines to have a good resulting model.
  9. You can do some editing directly in the list of equipment and parts:
    • You can drag a class from the Package Browser to the Modelica Class field of a line.
    • You can click a line and then copy the line by Ctrl+C, and then click another line and use Ctrl+V to paste it into that line.

      The content of the mapping is pasted. If some ports or parameters are present in the copied line mapping, but not in the pasted line mapping, only the existing ports/parameter mappings are kept. A tooltip appears to explain the "partial copy", specifying what is not copied.

    • You can drag a line on top of another line. The result is the same as above, but this action also opens the dialog box for editing the "target" line.
  10. To add an equipment or a part, click Add.
    In the New Map dialog box, you can:
    • Select the kind, type, subtype, and reference of the equipment or part.
    • Select to map with a Modelica class or to create a Modelica connection. If selecting to map with a Modelica class, you can also select to make the generated components from this class replaceable.
    • Define the parameter mapping of the equipment or part.
    • Initialize with default values.
  11. To edit an equipment or a part, select it and click Edit.
    In the Equipment dialog box, you can edit the same items as in the previous step, for the selected equipment or part.
  12. To remove an equipment or a part, select it and click Remove.