About Dynamic Features from the Physical Model

This page discusses:

Acceleration of Gravity

The gravity data from the physical model is transformed into the Modelica World component created in the generated Modelica representation. It is mainly the value of gravity acceleration.

Note: The Modelica World component is by default added to the generated Modelica representation if no axis has been published in the initial mechanism model (that is, if no connector is created in the generated Modelica representation). However, if you generate the Modelica using the command, you can select to generate a World component and have it connected to the fixed parts, even if the physical model contains publications of axes.

Force Elements

Supported force elements in the physical model are included in the generated Modelica representation. For the force element from the physical model, the corresponding components are created in the generated Modelica representation, and connected to the joint component.

Native Force Elements

The following predefined force elements are supported, both linear and nonlinear:

  • Springs
  • Dampers
  • Bushings

For adding springs and dampers, see Mechanical Systems Design User´s Guide: Defining Mechanisms: Adding an Axial Spring. For adding bushings, see Mechanical Systems Design User´s Guide: Defining Mechanisms: Adding a Bushing.

Modelica Force Elements

Supported Modelica force elements can be used when building the kinematic model. They are included in the generated Modelica representation of the kinematic model.

Supported force elements must contain a connector frame_a and a connector frame_b.

Working with Force Elements

It is possible to define force elements in the Dymola Behavior Modeling app that can be used and parametrized directly in the Mechanical Systems Design app. To expose the force elements, they can be added in a Classes for Force Elements browser. They are then automatically exposed to the Mechanical Systems Design app and can in this app be used from the Force Element tab of the Engineering Connection Definition dialog box when you engineer connections. You can parametrize the force elements from this tab as well.

One way of working is that an engineer with Modelica knowledge prepares the required force elements in the Dymola Behavior Modeling app and adds them to the Classes for Force Elements browser. An engineer working with the mechanical model uses these force elements, and parametrizes them according to the physical model.

  • The predefined force elements are by default displayed in the Classes for Force Elements browser.
  • There might be limitations in the physical model what force elements can be used.

For using the Classes for Force Elements browser, see Add a Class to the Classes for Forced Elements Browser.

For use in the Mechanical Systems Design app, see Mechanical Systems Design User´s Guide.