Editability (Read-only) Mode
In editability mode, commands display information that cannot be edited.
You can also create a new class, on the conditions specified below.
- Create New Class
- This command is authorized, except for the two following cases:
- If the class selected from the Insert in box is read-only.
- If the new class extends a class contained in an outside package,
AND the root package of the new class has not already used this outside package,
AND the root package of the new class is read-only.
The reason is that in this extension context, a Modelica annotation needs to be added to the root package of the new class. If it is read-only, it does not accept the Modelica annotation and the creation is not allowed.
For more information about the read-only mode, see Collaborative
Lifecycle: Editability.
Switch to Edition Mode
After a switch to edition mode, all the commands are authorized, except a few specific cases:
- Instantiate
- This command is not authorized in the following cases:
- Create a new class
- This command is not authorized in the following cases:
- Delete a class
- This command is not authorized if the class to be deleted has a read-only child.
- Edit Class Attributes
- The command is authorized, but the Extend attributes are not editable:
Editability Commands
You can switch an object from edition to read-only, or from read-only to edition mode (provided that this object is not locked by another user). For this, you can use the following commands from the Collaborative
Lifecycle app.
To enter this app, click Social and Collaborative
from the Compass, and select Collaborative Lifecycle.
For more information about the commands below, see Collaborative
Lifecycle: Editability.
- Switch to Edition
When working in read-only mode, you can modify only one object.
From the Collaboration section of the action bar, click Switch to Edition
- Switch to Read Only
When working in edition mode, you can lock an object.
From the Collaboration section of the action bar, click Switch to Read Only
- Display Editability Errors
You can display a detailed view of the errors encountered during the last
editability check.
From the Collaboration section of the action bar, click Display Editability Errors