Locking and Unlocking a Class

You can now lock and unlock classes from the Package Browser. You must explicitly unlock locked classes to be able to edit them.

Before you begin: In this scenario, you will lock and unlock a class in the Package Browser.
  1. To lock the class:
    1. In the Package Browser, right-click the class and select Lock Class Edition....
    2. In the Lock Class dialog box, in the Reason to lock box, enter the reason for locking the class. In this scenario, enter Stable.
    3. Click OK.
    The class is locked.

    The locking is indicated by a yellow hanglock on that class in the Package Browser.

    You cannot edit a class that is locked, you must unlock it first.

    Note: There may be other reasons for locking:
    • The class is encrypted or included in a checksum. This is indicated by a gray hanglock .
    • The model has not been checked out in the database. This is indicated by a no-way sign .

  2. To unlock the class that is locked by the Lock Class Edition... command, in the Package Browser, right-click the class and select Unlock Class Edition.
    The class is unlocked and can be edited.