Adding and Editing Connection Labels

You can add and edit connection labels. This allows you to identify connections more easily, in particular when it comes to hidden connections.

For information about connection label handling for hidden connections, see Hiding and Displaying Connection Lines.

Tip: It is useful to apply connection labels for connections that may later be hidden.

Before you begin: To be able to add or edit connection labels, you must display the Modelica Graphics Properties dialog box. If it is not displayed when you start working with a connection, do the following:
  • If the dialog box is minimized in the right part of the screen, click Modelica Graphics Properties to expand it.
  • If it is not present at all, do the following:
    • Display the App Options panel, if not already displayed. To access the App Options panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, select App Options .
    • In the panel, click Modelica Graphics Propperties
See Also
About Connectors and Connections
  1. To add a connection label for a connection, click the connection.
    The Line Properties section and the Connection Properties section of the Modelica Graphics Properties dialog box are expanded.
  2. In the Connection Properties section, you can:
    1. In the Text Label box, enter the name of the label.
    2. Optional: Change the Color.
    3. Optional: Change the position of the label by changing Point Index, X Offset, and Y Offset.

      • For Point Index you can use values corresponding to the coordinate point in the Modelica Text annotation of the connection line. As an example, assume that a connection line has 4 such points. The following is valid:
        • 1 put label near start point (first point) of connection line.
        • 2 put label near second point on the connection line.
        • 3 put label near third point on the connection line.
        • 4 put label near fourth point (endpoint) of connection line.
        • Using the above values with minus sign reverts them, for example, -1 means put label near endpoint ("first point reverted direction"), -4 means put label near start point of connection.
        • Any other value means that point index offset is not used.
      • For X Offset and Y Offset you can enter the X position offset and Y position offset as coordinates, positive or negative, relative to the center of the label when having offset 0 (no offset).

    A connection label is created for the selected connection.
  3. To edit a connection label, click the corresponding connection and edit the values in the Connection Properties section of the Modelica Graphics Properties dialog box