Creating an Editable Copy of a Model Example in a New Library

You can create an editable copy of a model example to be able to change the example. In this scenario you create a new library containing an editable copy of the model example Coupled Clutches and change the name to MyCoupledClutches. This new editable model is used in other scenarios.

  1. Create a Modelica library. For more information, see Create a Modelica Library. Give the library the name MyEditableModelExamplesLib.
  2. Open the model example Coupled Clutches. For more information, see Accessing Model Examples.
  3. From the Package Browser, duplicate this model to the MyEditableModelExamplesLib the following way:
    1. Right-click the model and select CoupledClutches object > Duplicate Class.
    2. In the dialog, do the following:

      1. Change the name to MyCoupledClutches.
      2. Click the Insert in box, then, in the Package Browser, click MyEditableModelExamplesLib to select it.

  4. Save the library by Share > Save.