Using Style Sheets

You can use style sheets to configure the style of the documentation of Modelica packages. The style sheets are cascading.

This feature may be valuable when you create your own libraries.

  1. Create a Dymola library.
  2. For this library, do the following:

    For more information, see Managing External Resources.

    1. Create a resources folder. Name it Resources.
    2. Add the file style1.css to this folder as a resource.

      The location of this file is in the install repository, typically \win_b64\resources\Dymola\insert\style1.css.

    3. Rename it to style.css
  3. Adapt style.css to your needs and save it.

    Note: The header styles must always be in descending order in the style sheet.

The style sheet you have defined for this library is cascaded, that is, any changes added by you overrides the default style1.css style sheet.