Displaying, Adding, or Editing Documentation

You can display, add, or edit the documentation of a class by the Documentation Editor.

This task shows you how to:

Display the Documentation

You can display and edit the documentation of a class as text or as pure HTML. You can display the Documentation Editor from a class or from a selected component.

  1. To display the documentation in the Documentation Editor, do the following:

    Tip: If you only want to display the documentation, not to edit it, you can also use the Documentation Viewer. For more information about the Documentation Viewer, see Displaying the Documentation in an Immersive Dockable Viewer.

    • To display it from a class:
      1. Select the class by, for example, clicking it in the Package Browser.
      2. From the Behavior Authoring section of the action bar, click Documentation Editor .
        Tip: You can also access the command any of the following ways:
        • By right-clicking the class in the Package Browser and select Documentation Editor .
        • From the Action Pad panel. To access the Action Pad panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, click Action Pad , or right-click an empty area and select Display > Action Pad.
    • To display it from a component:
      1. Select the component in the diagram or in the Component Browser.
      2. From the context toolbar, click Documentation Editor .
        Tip: You can also access the command in any of the following ways:
        • From the Behavior Authoring section of the action bar, click Documentation Editor .
        • By right-clicking the component in the diagram or in the Component Browser and select Documentation Editor .
        • From the Action Pad panel. To access the Action Pad panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, click Action Pad , or right-click an empty area and select Display > Action Pad.
      Note: You display the documentation of the component´s class, there is no specific component´s documentation.
    The documentation of the class appears in a new tab in the Documentation Editor.
    Note: If a Documentation Editor is already open, the new tab appears in that editor, otherwise a new Documentation Editor appears, containing the new tab.

    If a documentation already exists for the class, it is displayed.

    If no documentation exists, you can create documentation.

    The Documentation Editor contains:

    • A first top toolbar for handling modes and classes.
    • A second top toolbar that contains editor commands for the text editor.
    • A header that is the comment from the class definition.
    • The Information section. This section may be edited if the class is not locked.
    • Some other sectors, for example, Parameters and Connectors that come from the names and comments from parameter definitions.
    • The Revisions section, if revision documentation is present. This section may be edited if the class is not locked.
    • A last section with class name, path, filename, and Uses.
    • The OK, Apply All, and Cancel commands.

  2. Optional: For the tab, you can right-click the tab header and do any of:
    • Close to close the tab.
    • Detach in New Window to open a new Documentation Editor and display the tab in that editor.
  3. Optional: To display the Information section or the Revisions section only, in text format in a text editor, do the following:
    • To display the Information section, in the top toolbar, click Info Editor .
    • To display the Revisions section, in the top toolbar, click Revisions Editor .
    The selected section appears in a text editor in the Documentation Editor.
  4. Optional: To display the Information section or the Revisions section only, as pure HTML text, do the following:
    • To display the Information section, in the top toolbar, click Info Source .
    • To display the Revisions section, in the top toolbar, click Revisions Source .
    The selected section appears as pure HTML text in the Documentation Editor.
  5. To return to displaying the full documentation, in the top toolbar, click Formatted Documentation .

Edit the Information Section or the Revisions Section Using the Text Editor

You can edit the Information section or the Revisions section of the class documentation.

Before you begin: The class must be unlocked and editable.
  1. To display the class in the Documentation Editor, perform Step 1 in the first task above.
    The documentation appears in a new tab in a Documentation Editor.
  2. If you have displayed the Documentation Editor from a component, you must open the corresponding class to edit the documentation, do that by clicking the closed padlock .
    The class of the component is activated. The padlock opens and you can edit class.
  3. Optional: To edit the Information section or the Revisions section, in the text editor, do the following:
    • To edit the Information section, in the top toolbar, click Info Editor .
    • To edit the Revisions section, in the top toolbar, click Revisions Editor .
    The selected section appears in a text editor in the Documentation Editor.
  4. To add and edit text, type the text and use the text format commands in the second top toolbar.

    • You can right-click to get a context menu to, for example cut and paste texts.
    • Text format commands common in text editors like, for example, Microsoft Word are not further documented here.
    • Any change not saved is indicated by a star * in the Documentation Editor header.

  5. To add a table:
    1. From the second top toolbar, click Insert Table.
      A table appears under the command button.
    2. Move the mouse in the table to define the table size, and click when the wanted size is displayed.
      A corresponding table is inserted in the text editor.
      Tip: When you have created a table, you can right-click a cell in the table and use the context menu to, for example, add and remove lines and columns.
  6. To add a hyperlink to an external document in the text editor:
    1. Select a word in your text from the text editor.
    2. From the second top toolbar, click Create Link .
    3. Click Browse or enter a URL, then click OK.

      Note: If you like to enter a web address, you must type the full address, for example http://www.3ds.com.

    4. Click OK to insert the hyperlink.
  7. To add images in the text editor, see Adding Images in the Documentation.
  8. Click Apply All to add this information to the active class without closing the Documentation Editor.

    Important: You do this for all unsaved tabs in the editor.

  9. To open another class in a new tab, perform Step 1 in the first task above.
    The documentation of the selected class appears in a new tab in the Documentation Editor.
  10. You can use the blue arrows to navigate through the previous and next documentation pages that you have already opened.

    Note: Only a class denoted by a green open padlock can be edited. To unlock a class,lockclass click the red padlock .
  11. To see the resulting documentation for the class you are working with, from the top toolbar, click Formatted Documentation .
    The resulting documentation is displayed.
  12. Click OK to save and close the Documentation Editor.

    • You save the changes for all unsaved tabs in the editor.
    • If you have opened the Documentation Editor from a selected component and edited the component´s class, when closing this editor, you are in this activated .

Edit the Information Section or the Revisions Section as Pure HTML Text

You can edit the Information section or the Revisions section of the class documentation as pure HTML text.

Before you begin: The class must be uned and editable.
  1. To display the Documentation Editor, perform Step 1 in the first task above.
    The Documentation Editor appears.
  2. If you have displayed the Documentation Editor from a component, you must open the corresponding class to edit the documentation, do that by clicking the closed padlock .
    The class of the component is activated, the padlock opens and you can edit the class.
  3. Optional: To edit the Information section or the Revisions section only, as pure HTML text, do the following:
    • To edit the Information section, in the top toolbar, click Info Source .
    • To edit the Revisions section, in the top toolbar, click Revisions Source .
    The selected section appears as pure HTML text in the Documentation Editor.
  4. To add and edit HTML text, type the HTML text.

    • You can right-click to get a context menu to, for example cut and paste texts.
    • The second top toolbar with text editor commands is not available when you work with pure HTML text.
    • Any change not saved is indicated by a star * in the Documentation Editor header.

  5. You can navigate between documentation of different classes. See Step 9 - Step 11 in the above subtask.
  6. To see the resulting documentation, from the top toolbar, click Formatted Documentation .
    The resulting documentation is displayed.
  7. Click OK to save and close the Documentation Editor.

    • You save the changes for all unsaved tabs in the editor.
    • If you have opened the Documentation Editor from a selected component and edited the component´s class, when closing this editor, you are in this activated class.