Recomputing the Cut Joint Configuration

If you work with a Modelica model containing cut joints, the configuration of the cut joints may become invalid. You can perform a command to recompute the cut joint configuration.

Before you begin: If you have, or add, cut joints in your model, you must recompute the configuration of the cut joints in any of the following cases:
  • You have replaced a component of another joint type with a cut joint.
  • You have changed the model structure by, for example, adding or removing other components.
    Note: Changing parameters and other modifiers are not seen as changing the structure.
  • You have extended a model containing cut joints and have changed the structure in such a way that the degrees of freedom is changed
Tip: If unsure, perform the command.
Note: You cannot recompute the cut joint configuration in a read-only model.
  1. In the model, activate the class where you can change the parameters of the cut joints. For activation, see Selecting or Activating a Class.

    Important: You can activate the class where the cut joint components are instantiated, but if the original model is extended, you can instead activate the class extending the original model.

  2. From the Behavior Tools section of the action bar, click Recompute CutJoint Parameters .
    The result is:
    • The configuration of the cut joints is recomputed.
    • As part of the recomputing, the model is simulated.
    • The Modelica text of the current class is modified. One modification is that a modifier cutJoint(automatic=...) is created or modified. If the recomputation succeeds, all items in this modifier should be false. An example recomputing an extended model with success, the Modelica text of the extended model may be:
      model MyExtendedModel
        extends MyOriginalModel(cutJoint(conditions={false,false,false,false,true,false}, 
      end MyExtendedModel;
      For information about Modelica text, see Displaying and Editing Modelica Text.
    • The command only recomputes the configuration of cut joints. If the model is invalid for other reasons, the command does not solve those issues.
    • You must save the recomputed model like any other changes you perform.