In the model, activate the class where you can change the
parameters of the cut joints. For activation, see
Selecting or Activating a Class.
From the
Behavior Tools section of the
action bar,
Recompute CutJoint Parameters
The result is:
- The configuration of
the cut joints is recomputed.
- As part of the
recomputing, the model is simulated.
- The Modelica text of
the current class is modified. One modification is that a modifier
cutJoint(automatic=...) is created or modified.
If the recomputation succeeds, all items in this modifier should be
false . An example recomputing an extended model
with success, the Modelica text of the extended model may be:
model MyExtendedModel
extends MyOriginalModel(cutJoint(conditions={false,false,false,false,true,false},
end MyExtendedModel; For information about Modelica text, see
Displaying and Editing Modelica Text.
- The command only
recomputes the configuration of cut joints. If the model is invalid for other
reasons, the command does not solve those issues.
- You must save the
recomputed model like any other changes you perform.