From the Simulation section of the action bar, click Simulation
Click the Event Log tab.
The Event Log tab contains a list of all
event points that happened during the simulation, sorted by time, and
the number of events for each event point. If the option
Events during initialization is
activated, also those events are displayed at time 0. Notes:
- The window can be minimized, it is then displayed with the
icon on the right side of the screen.
- If no events occurred, the Event Log
tab is not displayed.
- To see also the minor events, activate Minor Events.
By default this option is cleared, to let you concentrate on the main events.
The model Coupled Clutches used in this scenario generates no
minor events.
- To see the details of the events for a specific time, expand that time node.
The following information appears in the columns: - The time of an iteration containing one or several events.
- The number of iterations.
- The expression that triggered a specific event.
- The value of the expression after a specific event.
To search a specific event expression, in the Expression
filter field, start entering the event expression.
The filtering is dynamically applied.
- To investigate where a certain event expression appears, including the display of other events, do the following:
- Search the event, see previous step.
- Right-click the event line and select Highlight Expression.
The expression for the event is highlighted at all times where it appears.
In the Expression filter field, remove
the expression.
All event expressions are now displayed. The specific
event expression is still highlighted.
- At any time, to display the highlighted error expression and at what times it is used, right-click any node or line and click Expand Highlighted.
The highlight is remembered until you close the event log window. - To display an overview of the events during the integration in a plot, click Plot Event Overview.
Time events and state events are plotted in the active plot window, or, if no active
plot window exists, in a new plot window.