Linear Systems Analysis Tools Available From Action Bar
This section lists the linear systems analysis tools and the general features that can be applied to them. General features that can be applied to all of them are described in a separate section.
The tools are actually shortcuts to selected functions in the Modelica_LinearSystems2 library.
Linear Systems Analysis Tools in the Behavior Tools
These tools are available from the Behavior Tools section of the action bar.
Linearize a model and return the linearized model as StateSpace object.
The command is a shortcut to the function
Compute Poles
Linearize a model and plot the poles of the linearized model.
The command is a shortcut to the function
Compute Zeros and Poles
Linearize a model and plot the zeros and poles of the linearized model.
The command is a shortcut to the function
Compute Transfer Function
Linearize a model and plot the transfer functions from all inputs to all outputs of the linearized model.
The command is a shortcut to the function
Perform a Full Analysis
Linearize a model and perform all available linear analysis operations.
The command is a shortcut to the function
Plot Root Locus Analysis
Compute and plot the root locus of one parameter of a model (= eigenvalues of the model that is linearized for every parameter value).
The command is a shortcut to the function
General Features
There are some general feature for the above tools. There is an option to start the linearization at another time than the initial time. If this is selected, the model is simulated until the selected start time for linearization, and this also gives other options.
The start time of the simulation can be changed.
The start time of the linearization can be set to another value that the start time of the simulation. If this option is used, the model is simulated until the start time for linearization. Enabling this option also give some options about the simulation. These options are:
- Integration method.
- Relative error tolerance.
- Step size for fixed step integrators.