Refreshing All Objects in Model

You can refresh all the objects of the model in session that have been modified by another user.

Important: Before performing a global refresh on the model in session, make sure that the model or any parts of it are not opened in other tabs.

  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Global Refresh .

    Tip: You can also press F5 to refresh your session.

    A Refresh Confirmation message appears.
  2. Click OK to validate.
    All the objects that were modified by the second user are now in your session.The result is:
    • As a prerequisite to execute the command:
      • The currently activated class is deactivated.
      • If the currently activated class is part of a Modelica behavior attached to a Functional or Logical reference, an exit from the Dymola Behavior Modeling app is made to the Functional & Logical Design app.
    • The command is executed. All the objects (classes) that were modified by the second user are now in your session.
    • For one object, if there are two conflicting versions in session and in database, the database version is kept. In this case, your local modification is lost.
    • This command refreshes all the content that have been modified and saved in the database.
    • Only the objects that are loaded in your session are refreshed. If the second user has added a new object to your model, it is not loaded.