About Headers, Footers, and Watermarks in Automatically-generated PDFs

In Quality-based Document Control, there are two methods to configure the headers and footers used on the pages of automatically-generated PDFs: forms and tables. Use form-based headers and footers if you need multi-line text. Use table-based headers and footers if you do not need multi-line text. You must define both headers and footers using one method or the other; they cannot be combined. You can specify a custom header and footer for each quality system document lifecycle state with either method. You can use the quality system document's current lifecycle state as a page watermark with either method.

Note: The following properties that define static header and footer text are no longer supported:
  • enoDocumentControl.PDFRendition.StaticHeaderText=
  • enoDocumentControl.PDFRendition.StaticFooterText=

This page discusses:

See Also
Configuring Header and Footer Forms for Automatically-generated PDFs
Configuring Header and Footer Tables for Automatically-generated PDFs
Configuring Watermarks for Automatically-generated PDFs