Acrofield Naming Convention

There is a specific syntax/coding mechanism used in the naming of AcroFields that are used to automatically populate the Rend.

Field Description
TBL-x-Fieldname Newly introduced, TBL-x- is to be used for mapping between Enovia data elements (properties, attributes) where dummy Acrofields need to be created in each and every PDF Rendition Template file that are purely for mapping purposes. This approach is highly recommended because it offers the advantage of supporting multiple Revision sequence schemes that are available to Document policies; such as Numeric, Alphabetic and other custom sequences that can be used. Parent Element names of the AcroFieldToEnoviaMapping.xml files, for TBL fields then will be named TBL-x-. This is preferred over use of TBL-0- or TBL-A- in the mapping because it locks the mapping into s specific sequence series only.
TBL-0-Fieldname Used for Tables TBL-0-signifies that the field is dedicated to Revision 0 of the Controlled Document. Fieldname can vary from a date to an Approver and each field will become a column of the table.
TBL-1-Fieldname Used for Tables TBL-1- signifies that the field is dedicated to Revision 1 in this case.
TBL-A-Fieldname Used for Tables TBL-A-signifies that the field is dedicated to Revision A of the Controlled Document. Fieldname can vary from a date to an Approver and each field will become a column of the table.
TBL-B-Fieldname Used for Tables TBL-B- signifies that the field is dedicated to Revision B in this case.
TBL-n-Fieldname Used for Tables, TBL-n- signifies Current Revision being worked on. Note if TBL-0- is specified in one row, and TBL-n- is specified in a subsequent row, then for Revision 0, only TBL-0 row will be populated. This same concept applies when using TB-A- also.
TBL-n-1-Fieldname Used for Tables, TBL-n-1- signifies the previous Revision with respect to the current Revision being worked on.
VersionId Every Template must have this Acrofield - it can be hidden, and a very small field, but must exist.
Fieldname-1, Fieldname-2 If there is a need to specify the Same Fieldname on a form as in duplicating the field to occur in more than one location of the form, then use -1, -2, as differentiators. This makes it possible to extract the coordinates of each duplicate field.
FieldnamePart1_FieldnamePart2 If there are spaces in a field name, use the underscore to join the words. This will prevent issues in field processing. This rule applies to all Fieldnames such as those beginning with TBL- or those ending with a suffix number where duplicate fields are used.
CALC-Total_Page_Count This is specifically reserved field that inserts a numeric total number of pages in the document. Specifying this in a template ensures that this field has this total number of pages count.
CALC-Appendix_Count This is a specially reserved field that inserts the total number of Rendition templates that are in Addition to the Master or Body Active Version file that is on the Controlled Document Business Object sequence order number 1 - even if the first file has no associated Rendition Template.
IMG-Fieldname IMG - suffix notifies the system that there is an image file that needs to be inserted in this Acrofield. There also should be a UNC path provided as a field value that specifies the path and file name of the image and this path must be available to the PDF Monitoring Service such that it can read image file.