Defining Document Categories for Subtypes of Controlled Documents

If you define subtypes of controlled documents, you can also define specific document categories for each subtype.

As installed, Quality-based Document Control includes the CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS abstract type with a single subtype: Quality System Document. From the user's perspective, a quality system document has an attribute named Category that contains range values of Policy, Procedure, Instructions and an empty string.

The name of this attribute is Quality System Document.Document Category and it is added to the Quality System Document interface, not the Quality System Document type. If you create subtypes, you should also create a Document Category attribute to define a separate set of document categories and add it to an interface for the subtype. For example, if you define a subtype named Quality Procedure Document, you might want the document categories to include range values of Test Procedure, Installation Procedure, Setup Procedure, and so on.

The attribute is defined as:

<SUBTYPENAME>.Document Category

In the above example, you would create an attribute named Document Category, and define appropriate range values. You then add this attribute to the Interface for the type Quality Procedure Document and set this interface as the attribute's owner. When added to the interface in this manner, the attribute name becomes Quality Procedure Document.Document Category.

On create forms for a document or template, when the user selects a subtype, the app loads the range values from the <SUBTYPENAME>.Document Category attribute defined for the selected subtype. Because the attribute is added using an interface, you do not need to edit any forms or tables; Quality-based Document Control automatically uses the attribute defined for the selected subtype.