Open the
PDFRendering.xml file located in
then follow these steps:
Add or edit these lines:
<Name>Internal Tech Doc Template</Name>
<Type name="type_QualitySystemDocument" mode="DCL" ServiceType="WebService">
<RenderPDF> </RenderPDF>
specifies whether to render PDFs or not: true to render PDF files or false to not render PDF files. The
default value is false .
server_name is the name of the
Adlib host server. It can be the hostname or the IP address.
adlib_version is the version of
Adlib installed on the server. For example, <AdlibPdfVersion>6.0</AdlibPdfVersion> .
Do not use a version with a second decimal
point, such as <AdlibPdfVersion>6.0.3</AdlibPdfVersion> ,
because it will cause an error.
machine_id is the MachineId of the server where the
Adlib PDF Enterprise software is installed. This information is
stored in the initsettings.xml file that
contains the Adlib-specific system information. This file is
typically located at C:\Program Files\Adlib\Generic
Connector\initsettings.xml. The machine_id is stored as the value
of Adlib.Configuration.MachineId .
machine_id is the MachineId of the server where the
Adlib PDF Enterprise software is installed. If you do not set
this value, it is defined as all zeroes, which means the system
will generate this value and it can change the time the web
service is restarted. We recommend that you generate a globally
unique identifier (GUID) to use as the machine ID to ensure that
a new machine ID is not generated each time the server is
selfHosted_location is the URL
where the Adlib service is self-hosted, for example: http://${ADLIB_JOB_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_MACHINE}:51051/Adlib/JobManagementService/JobManagementService.svc.
If you installed the IIS web server for Adlib, you do not need
to change this value.
input_dir is the share drive
directory location referenced by the 3DSpace server where the input files will be checked out to, for
example: /Adlib/FolderConnector/AAIInput. Specify the path
from root for Linux servers.
output_dir is the share drive
directory location referenced by the 3DSpace server where the input files will be checked in from, for
example: /Adlib/FolderConnector/AAIOutput. Specify the
path from root for Linux servers.
</GenerateJobTicket> specifies if a job ticket
is generated.
</RepositoryId> is the repository ID.
PDF_transformation_engine is GUID
of the Adlib server. The PDF_transformation_engine is
stored as the value of TransformationWorkspaceId on the
Adlib server.
</ComponentVersion> specifies the component
remote_input_dir is the share
drive directory location referenced by the Adlib Windows server
for where to find the input files to be processed into PDF. This
can be either a UNC path or a Windows path if a drive letter has
been allocated to the share drive. For example, P:\FolderConnector\AAIInput
remote_output_dir is the share
drive directory location referenced by the Adlib Windows server
for where to place the output files to be processed into PDF.
This can be either a UNC path or a Windows path if a drive
letter has been allocated to the share drive. For example,
sysadmin is the username used to
log in to the Adlib Management Console.
sysadmin_password is the password
for the username used to log in to the Adlib Management Console.
</TOCPageLocation> is the location of the
Table of Contents in the
rendered PDF file: Start is at the beginning of the
PDF file, End is at the end of the PDF file,
or blank means that it is not included anywhere in the PDF file.
Select only one option and remove the other two.
</ApproversPageLocation> s the location of
the Approvers table in the rendered
PDF file: Start is at the beginning of the
PDF file, End is at the end of the PDF file,
or blank means that it is not included anywhere in the PDF file.
Select only one option and remove the other two.
</QRCodeLocation> is the location of the QR
code in the rendered PDF file: Start is at the beginning of the
PDF file, End is at the end of the PDF file,
or blank means that it is not included anywhere in the PDF file.
Select only one option and remove the other two. Note:
For more information on configuring the
placement of the Approvers page, the
Table of Contents, and the
QR code in the rendered PDF file, see About Specifying Page
Elements in a Rendered PDF File.
</RenditionMode> specifies if the PDF is
consolidated into a single PDF or the PDF is generated
</ActivationMode> specifies if the PDF is
generated manually or automatically.
</ControlledPrintRenditionMode> specifies if the
controlled print PDF is generated in a consolidated form or
<RenditionTemplate> </RenditionTemplate> specifies if cover and
overlay pages are enabled. If this setting is
true , then cover and overlay pages are
enabled with or without enabling file categories. Once this
entry is true , the Rendition Document Template
tab is available for the Leader or Document Center Administrator. Then the PDF format cover
or overlay page template files can be checked in for each
rendition document template that is created. When file
categories are enabled and the file categories are listed, the
administrator can choose a category for each rendition document
template. If an active rendition document template does not
exist, the default rendition template is used. If file
categories are disabled, but the rendition template is enabled,
the default rendition template is used whose Name and Revision
are specified in the PDFRendering.xml. The first page after the
Table of Contents is the cover or overlay page in the generated
PDF file.
You can find the TransformationWorkspaceId , and
other important Adlib information, in the
initsettings.xml file generated after the Adlib
Generic Connector has connected to the Adlib server.
Import the specified values into 3DSpace by running the following MQL command:
mod page PDFRendering file …/Apps/DocumentControl/R2021x/Modules/ENOPDFRendering/
To verify that you have imported the file correctly, run
the following MQL command:
print page PDFRendering select content;
Next, a secret code is now required to be generated through the 3DPassport server. This secret code will be required to start PDFR in its monitoring
activity/function. It is the System Administrator's responsibility to remove any
trace or command line history that might capture the shell or batch command line
containing this secret code. Unlike a password, the secret code does not provide
immediate access to 3DSpace, and there are a series of REST service exchanges that need to take place
between PDFR and 3DPassport to obtain an authorization token leading to 3DSpace access. Below are the instructions to obtain the secret code.
Log in to the 3DSpace server as VPLMAdminUser.
From the north quadrant of the Compass, click .
Click 3DPassport
From the 3DPassport
Control Center, select
The integration panel opens on the right.
Click Batch Services
Select Add batch services
to add the PDFR Service.
Enter the service name.
Click Apply.
The Generated Secret confirmation panel opens. Remember this secret or
click Copy to copy the secret to a command line or text
editor. This secret code, along with the name of the service that you used, will
be required as input arguments when starting the PDFR Monitoring