Searching for and Selecting Attributes

You can search for attributes to add them to an attribute group.

  1. From the page toolbar, click Add Existing .
  2. To filter the list of attributes:
    1. Enter criteria for any combination of these items:

      Filter CriteriaDescription
      Name Matches

      Type a name or part of a name, using the asterisk as a wildcard. Multiple names can be included, separated by commas. For example, filtering on A*,B* will show all names that start with A or B. Use exact case and do not include spaces.

      TypeFrom the list, select a data type. Attribute data types are:
      • Boolean
      • Date/Time
      • Integer
      • Real
      • String
      • All

    2. Click Filter.
  3. Select all of attributes you want to add to the group.
  4. Click Done.