Transferring Responsibility of Documents

Document Control Administrators can transfer the Subject Matter Expert or Implementation Organization Representative responsibility for documents from one person to another. You transfer all documents assigned to the current person as the Subject Matter Expert or Implementation Organization Representative to the new assignee at the same time.

Before you begin:
  1. View the My Documents page tab. See Home Page.
  2. Select a document assigned to the person from whom you want to transfer responsibility. All documents assigned to that person as the Subject Matter Expert or Implementation Organization Representative will be transferred to the new assignee.
  3. Click Actions > Transfer Assignment.
  4. Enter these details:

    Field NameDescription
    Transfer ActionChoose the type of responsibility you want to transfer:

    Transfer TypeDescription
    Implementation Organization RepresentativeChanges the person responsible for implementing the document within the owning organization.
    Subject Matter ExpertChanges the person responsible for periodic reviews of the document.

    From AssigneeStart entering a name, or click to select the person now responsible for the document.
    To AssigneeStart entering a name, or click to select the person to transfer responsibility to.

  5. Click Done, then click OK to clear the confirmation message.

Only those documents that have the selected person defined as Subject Matter Expert or Implementation Organization Representative (depending on which action you chose) are transferred to the selected new assignee. If you selected any documents that have a different person defined for the selected transfer action, those document is not transferred to the new assignee.