About the Batch Rename Process

The batch processor for a collaborative product requires that the client-side extension component also be installed and configured.

Refer to the relevant collaborative product Installation and Administrator Guide to see if support for the batch processor is available.

When a user renames a design, the batch processor checks the lock status for the design and all designs that use this design.

To continue, the following conditions must be met:

  • The design is not locked by any other user, or is locked by the user doing the rename.
  • All designs that use this design are either currently unlocked or are locked by the user doing the rename.

If any of these conditions are not met, X-CAD Design Management displays an error message listing the designs affected and explains the problem. The rename operation does not proceed and the user must resolve the issue prior to renaming the design.

Batch rename processing,

  • Locks the design being renamed and all designs that use it in the context of the Batch Processor user. This user's name and password must be specified in the DSC_GetBatchProcessorDetailsBase JPO and must match with the user name specified in the batch processor configuration file, (Setting Up the Batch Processor Executable Component). If the design is already locked by the user performing the rename, then that user's lock is removed and the design is locked by the Batch Processor user. After completion of the batch rename, the design stays unlocked.
  • Tags all designs to be adjusted to indicate that they have underlying designs that have been renamed. This tag ensures that a design alert indicating this condition is shown. The checkin page prevents all users, including the user who initiated the rename, from checking in these designs.
  • Constructs a background processor message object with the old and new names of the design and the where-used designs to adjust, and places it in the rename queue. If FCS is used, each site can have multiple queues. The site name-queue name mapping must be specified in the DSC_GetBatchProcessorDetailsBase JPO. The batch processor's configuration file for each site should specify the queue name for that site.
  • Continuously polls the Rename queue for messages and processes the designs when found.
  • Checks out each design.
  • Renames as appropriate.
  • Checks the design in as an overwrite; no new versions will be created.
  • Removes lock, all tags and the design alerts on the designs being changed.
    Note: The objects are unlocked after the designs are processed. Lock of the respective user is not retained.

It is recommended that only a single batch processor is used for each operation. Separate batch processor instances can also be setup for each operation.