About Rapid File Access

Rapid File Access (RFA) enables users to view CAD files directly from the X-CAD Design Management stores without checking out the files to local disks.

This feature creates hardlinks within the stores to view the required files.

In case the FCS and FTP servers are running on the same computer, then the System Administrator must create folders for each X-CAD Design Management user on the designated FCS (File Collaboration Server), which must be on the same network as the client machines. Each FCS requires an application server to create the hardlinks. For details on installing and setting up the server, see the ENOVIA Live Collaboration Installation Guide.

If FCS and FTP are different, the user needs to deploy RFA server on FTP locations and each X-CAD Design Management user also needs a directory or folder on the FTP Server. Name of this folder should be the same as the ENOVIA user name. Each FTP server needs its own hardlink root path, user subdirectories, and application server.

When creating the directories for each user under the hardlink root directory, the name of the user's directory must be their X-CAD Design Management login name. For example, if you have users Designer1 and Designer2, then you would create these directories:

  • C:\Hardlinks\Designer1 with read-only network permission allowed to Designer1 and no permission allowed to other users and
  • C:\Hardlinks\Designer2 with read-only network permission allowed to Designer2 and no permission allowed to other users.

Hardlinks is the name of the hardlink root path where all of the user directories are created.

The user must only have read access, not write access, to the hardlink directory. However, if the user is actually logging in from the computer where the hardlink directory is defined, that user then requires full access permission to the hardlink directory. In general, the computer used for the hardlink directories should not be used by users to access hardlinks.

For RFA setup in Windows systems, the file store and hardlinks directory must be on NTFS directory. If the hardlink root path will be accessed by the client via UNC Path, then share all user directories separately. Otherwise, if the hardlink root path is accessible to the client via a mapped drive, then share the hardlink root path. Give read-only permission to user subdirectories to the corresponding network users.