Bookmark Root in X-CAD Design PowerView Page

This section describes the property that control the expansion behavior of the Bookmark root in the X-CAD Design PowerView Page.

In the X-CAD Design PowerView Page, when bookmark root and bookmarks contain multiple levels, expanding the entire structure takes time due to recursive loading. To overcome this, new property mcadIntegration.DECSupportForWorkspaceExpansion.Enable is introduced in file.

Following are the possible values of this key:

  • true: It enables out of the box behavior of expansion. You can expand the entire bookmark structure in the X-CAD Design PowerView Page itself.
  • false: Only bookmark name appears without "+" sign. When you click launch icon besides the bookmark name, a new bookmark details page appears and you can expand the entire bookmark structure manually on that page.

The default value of mcadIntegration.DECSupportForWorkspaceExpansion.Enable in is true.