Working with Attributes

You can create custom attribute in ENOVIA and map it. The procedure includes mapping the attributes to support the Copy Attributes function on the Checkin and Checkout pages, or the collaborative product's Synch Attributes function. You cannot create a system attribute in ENOVIA, but can map the attribute.

Type, Name, and Revision can be types of system attributes or you can create a custom attribute. The CAD tools that integrate to X-CAD Design Management also support custom attributes.

For ENOVIA system attributes, enclose the attribute names in $$, such as $$Description$$, to differentiate it from a standard attribute. Some CAD tools, such as the Inventor Summary attributes, also have this requirement.

Note: Attributes created using Configure My Enovia option are recognized only by X-CAD Design Management. These attributes are used for mapping from CAD To 3DEXPERIENCE platform and vice-versa.

This task shows you how to:

Map an ENOVIA Custom Attribute

  1. In the CAD tool, for example AutoCad:
    1. Open a design and select File > Properties > Custom.
    2. To the attribute called Material (text attribute), assign Aluminium as the value.
  2. In ENOVIA,
    1. Define an attribute in ENOVIA called Material (string type). You can also use a different name.
    2. Add the Material attribute to the relevant ENOVIA types. In this case the ENOVIA types is ACAD Drawing.
  3. Map the Material attribute in the MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping attribute of the Global Configuration Object to support attribute transfer from AutoCAD to ENOVIA.

    In this case the mapping will be: all,Material|all,Material

    Or the following, for example:

    component,Material|ACAD Drawing,Material

    assembly,Material|ACAD Drawing,Material

    Using the settings performed, the value assigned to attribute Material in AutoCAD is transferred to attribute Material in ENOVIA.

  4. Map the Material attribute in the MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping attribute of the current Global Configuration Object to support attribute transfer from ENOVIA to AutoCAD.

    In this case the mapping will be: all,Material|all,Material

    Or the following, for example,

    ACAD Drawing,Material|component,Material

    ACAD Drawing,Material|assembly,Material

    Using the settings performed, the value assigned to attribute Material in ENOVIA is transferred to attribute Material in AutoCAD.

Map an ENOVIA System Attribute

  1. In the CAD tool, for example AutoCAD:
    1. Open a drawing in AutoCAD and choose File > Properties > Summary.
    2. To the attribute called Comments, assign Design Part as the value.
  2. Map the Description attribute in the MCADInteg-CADToMxAttribMapping attribute of the Global Configuration Object to support attribute transfer from AutoCAD to ENOVIA.

    In this case the mapping will be: all,$$Commments$$|all,$$Description$$

    Or the following, for example:

    component,$$Comments$$|ACAD Drawing,$$Description$$

    assembly,$$Comments$$|ACAD Drawing,$$Description$$

    Using the settings performed, the value assigned to attribute Comments in AutoCAD is transferred to attribute Description in ENOVIA.

  3. Map the Description attribute in the MCADInteg-MxToCADAttribMapping attribute of the current Global Configuration Object to support attribute transfer from ENOVIA to AutoCAD.

    In this case the mapping will be: all,$$description$$|all,$$Comments$$

    Or the following, for example:

    ACAD Drawing,$$description$$|component,$$Comments$$

    ACAD Drawing,$$description$$|assembly,$$Comments$$

    Using the settings performed, the value assigned to attribute Description in ENOVIA is transferred to attribute Comments in AutoCAD.

    Note: The mappings for System attributes must always be in lower case on the ENOVIA side.

    The following table explains the supported system attributes in ENOVIA for a "to and from" transfer:










    Not supported

    Not supported

    Not supported

    From ENOVIA




