Setting Up Environment for https connection to Server for IEF Client

When connected to https server from a web browser, the web browser manages the associated certificate.

But when connecting to same server from IEFClient, there is a need to configure the IEFClient environment and java settings accordingly.

This section shows the steps to set up the environment for https connection to the server for IEF Client.

Before you begin:
  • Ensure that no CAD applications are connected to any server.
  • Ensure that IEFClient is not running. If IEFClient is already running, right-click the IEFClient icon in system tray and click Exit to stop IEFClient.
  1. Configuring Integration Exchange Framework Client
    1. After IEFClient installation, modify the server url in the config.xml file. The config.xml file is located in:

      <IEFClient installation folder>\<OSSpecificFolder>\reffiles\IEFClientWorkspaceService\config.xml For example, C:\Program Files\R419xcadconnectors\win_b64\reffiles\IEFClientWorkspaceService\config.xml.

    2. Locate the serverURL tag and specify the proper server url. For example, <serverURL></serverURL>

      If you are using a 3DPassport enabled 3DEXPERIENCE on-premise environment then you need to specify the URL of the 3DSpace application as input here.

      For some Connector apps, the server URL must be manually specified for helpfilepath tag in the connector specific settings.ini file.

  2. Configuring Java settings

    To make Integration Exchange Framework Client work with an SSL enabled URL, the certificates from the server should be imported in the JRE which is being used by ENOVIA Integration Exchange Framework Client.

    For on premise deployments, if you generate your own SSL certificate, then you have to deploy the root SSL certificates on end-users computers for the SSL certificates generated by the root ones, to be identified as valid.

    For steps on "How to configure ENOVIA Integration Exchange Framework Client with SSL enabled (https) URLs, seeInstallation and Setup | Install | Social and Collaborative | Global Design Management | X-CAD Design Management - Installation and Administration | Post Installation Tasks | Set https Support on Client system using browser and ENOVIA Integration Exchange Framework Client