Setting Up for Multiple RFA Locations

This section shows you how to setup RFA for multiple locations. The IEFGetHardlinkServerDetailsForRFA JPO contains the locations (stores) used for hardlinks. When a user logs into X-CAD Design Management, this JPO is called and determines the URL of the RFA server for that user.

Before you begin: Configure all RFA servers and stores and set up user directories.
  1. Open the IEFGetHardlinkServerDetailsForRFA JPO for editing. This code shows a sample location definition.

    // India Comp (Location) definition:
    Hashtable indiaLocation_component = new Hashtable();
    //This should be FCS url defined in location India_Comp.
    //Below line can be commented if ALL users are using UNC path. If you 
    keep below line, all user's have to map hardlinks directory (say 
    c:\Hardlinks) to below mentioned drive. This drive should be same in 
    all location definitions of same site.
    indiaLocation_component.put("MappedDrive", "I:");//For Windows clients
    indiaLocation_component.put("MountPoint", "/data/mount"); //For UNIX 
    clients only
    //This is the absolute path where checked in files goes for this 
    indiaLocation_component.put("StorePath", "C:/ftproot/IndiaFTP/Comp");

  2. For each location (store) copy the above text and edit as follows:
    • Replace indiaLocation with the name of the STORE
    • Replace with the required URL of the STORE
    • Replace C:/ftproot/IndiaFTP/Comp with the path for the defined STORE

    STORE definition in RFA setup JPO is required to handle users with no site defined. During hardlink creation, any user assigned location or store is searched for file availability . If multiple entries exist, then the first from the list is selected. If store definition is not a must, it should be removed from the JPO.

  3. If all users use the UNC path, comment out the mapped drive and mount point lines, otherwise edit as follows:
    • For Windows clients: Replace I: with the identifier for the drive used as the RFA STORE
    • For UNIX clients: The mount point for the RFA STORE must be specified.

    If all clients are on Windows you can comment out the mount point line; if all clients are on UNIX you can comment out the mapped drive line.